Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Now I've gone and done it

I did something yesterday that I swore that I would never do "in a million years." I joined a gym. Signed paperwork and the whole bit. I'm a full-fledged member now. Well, for this month, I am. As this is my first gym experience (ever!), I felt compelled to choose a facility that offered an easy "out" should the entire fitness idea take a turn for the worst.

But don't get me wrong: I'm committed. I want to do this. I want to get fit. I want to create this new routine and I desperately want to love it.

So the motivation? Obviously, there's the idea that I'm not getting any younger. My body is seizing up on me. My neck is stiff. My feet even hurt (and I have a desk job!) And just last week, when I was doing jumping jacks my ass slapped me in the back. Yea, might need a little lift there. So, getting fit for me has a lot to do with tightening and toning. And being able to show off a leaner, meaner me to a dear friend of mine who just a few weeks ago called me "doughy" in an endearing sort of way (??).

So I have the membership. I have good sneakers. I have gym shorts (not too short as I intend on doing a lot of leg presses), and I have a sports bra (might need another?). I think I'm all set. And I'll hold off on buying cute gym clothes (as another dear friend predicted I might do), until after the first month. I'd like to think that the cute gym clothes will be the prize for toning my thighs to a point where they aren't kissing each other as I walk the length of the fitness center. I gotta have a goal ...I'm good with setting expectations and meeting deadlines, so here we go... I'm ready for the new me.

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